Well, after many months of foggy pregnancy brain and baby brain, I am once again feeling ready to start posting blog entries again for Growing Great Children. I feel it is important to keep the webpage/blog active even though it seems Facebook seems to be where everywhere looks these days for any information. All of our events for the past 6 months have been posted and promoted using Facebook and not much on this blog. I apologize for that. However I do feel that Facebook changes so much all the time that we should keep this forum going as well. Just in case Facebook goes sideways. I welcome feedback as to whether the families in Pemberton use this webpage at all. It is good to keep up with what people want and find most usual and efficient.
Happy Everyone! And here is a peak at my little bundle that has kept me busy growing great children for the past 4 months. :) Thank you for your understanding.
Dr. Shannon, and now Mariya's Mom. :)